and life just goes on living

available now on all streaming platforms

“I try to remember that no matter what I may be going through, life goes on,” says North Carolina-based experimental folk-rock artist Ashley Virginia. “The birds still sing, the breeze still blows, and life just goes on living.” It’s this sentiment that provided the title of her debut full-length album, And Life Just Goes On Living.


Virginia’s music is built on her ability to share the deeply intimate and terrifying pieces of herself. It’s evident across her 11-song album, “And Life Just Goes On Living” which leans into the theme of mental health. “This album is basically my diary,” notes Virginia. She’s open and honest about being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Complex-PTSD. 

Virginia started songwriting at a young age as a therapeutic practice and a means of escape; turning to songwriting to express emotions not so easily expressed in bare words. “I’m not gonna lie; it's a struggle sometimes,” shares Virginia. “In general I tend to have big feelings and writing music and being creative is therapeutic for me.”

The album also touches on political themes. In the single “Apathy Blues,” which is packaged in a ‘60s rock production, the lyrics offer a word-to-the-wise message to awaken one’s voice and stand up for something. Virginia penned the song during 2018 in the midst of the Trump presidency and was activated by a quote she heard in a movie: "If you get shown a problem, but have no idea how to control it, then you just decide to get used to the problem."

“This song was my way of processing all of that was going on during that time, and really, it's the advice I needed to give myself,” says Virginia. “I love ‘60s music and the culture in general during the ‘60s and ‘70s. The music of that time was really rooted in protest and cultural change, which I find very inspiring. The times we are living through now really aren't all that different.” Her song “Invisible Hand” uses audio samples from a livestream Instagram video she did while being tear-gassed by the Raleigh Police in 2020 for peacefully assembling during the George Floyd protests.

Ashley Virginia is an artist that exudes counter culture vibes, marches to the beat of her own drum and is a reckless lover of people . . . at least that is what those closest to her have remarked.  “This album, I think, very well encompasses and represents my life over the past few years,” concludes Virginia. “It has been my journey of healing through that trauma and pain.” And Life Just Goes On Living was released on August 13, 2021. The album was funded entirely via Kickstarter, with Virginia raising over $5,000 in the span of 1 month. This album was possible with thanks for the help and support of her community.